Our Mission, Vision and Values.

Our Vision (How We Do It):

Love Christ.

We are a joyful community excited about one thing: the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and as we consider its all-encompassing implications, we believe that our Messiah is a loving Christ: He is to be pursued in every facet of our lives – with our time, work, finance, family and more.

Love Each Other

Truly loving each other is a radical call amid a church culture of mere Sunday morning attendance and casual involvement. It involves mutual care, consistency, and authenticity as we seek to worship the person of Christ and encourage the work of Christ in our lives. Though each Christian has a personal relationship with God, we believe the Bible teaches that our relationship with God is meant to be fleshed out in community. The Bible calls us members of the body (1 Corinthians 12:13-31) with the expectation that we contribute to the body for the …

“As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples.”

– Jesus Christ our Lord